Customs Clearance in Mumbai, India (Part 13)

If only

There were several parts of the clearance process where transparency and improvements can bring dramatic benefits and reduce the time, effort and cost. I explained to one of my uncles that I grew up in Mumbai and was educated in our Indian institutions and practiced the Indian ways. And it was ironic, that United States of America invited me on a special visa and paid me great amounts to come to their country. Part of my job there was to sit with both my palms under my chin and observe processes in their Companies / Government Departments. I would then document my observations and recommend that a particular chain in the process be tweaked in this fashion and if/when they made that change, they would reap tremendous benefits. My clients would sit up and react like… “wait a minute… what just happened here… how the… ”. And then they would applaud and publicly recognize my inputs and appreciate me to the sky. And all this was with the same Indian upbringing and education. And yet, when I was in India or even when I am now back in India, there will be no value to my voice or suggestions.

I am sure that many private sector people will immediately protest to the above statements. They may be even partly correct in doing so. But I have lost all energy to go around finding those few likeminded people who are likely to understand my thoughts and ideas. I just don’t want to commute to work in Mumbai unless I can just take a 10 minutes walk to my office. Neither do I want to work more than 40 hours a week. I guess I just don’t have the stamina left to put up a protracted fight.

Part 12 Part 14 


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